We’re not sure why, but the day the trusses are installed, almost all homeowners are there to watch the process or take pictures! We were there to do both. For intricate structures, the delivery and laying of trusses can be like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. The project on Central in Sunriver, Or. was much simpler that a puzzle, but you still need a skilled knowledge of building and building process. For more information on installation of trusses, see this video.
A roof truss is a rigid, strong framework made up of wood members, such as 2 x 4’s or 2 x 6’s, fastened and held together by metal connector plates. This framework makes up the shape of your roof and supports the roofing materials such as shingles or tin. Roof trusses are designed using triangles, which are one of the strongest shapes. Many of the bridges you drive over were designed using the same ideas of triangles.
Sometimes we may need to use an engineered truss:
Engineered Roof Trusses…
…provide structural integrity at a reasonable cost.
…assure that proper loading considerations are addressed in the design of your roof system.
…are manufactured under controlled conditions to assure dimensional consistency.
…reduce installation time.
…allow for installation of complex roof and ceiling designs.
…can be produced in a variety of configurations, pitches, and sizes.
…reduce the need for costly load-bearing interior walls and associated footers.
…provide a ready-made surface on which to attach ceiling dry-wall.
…reduce the amount of time needed to dry-in your building.
…can incorporate the design of a bonus room into your roof structure.
…are delivered to your job site ready to be installed.
Next up for this project…sheeting the roof and some more framing!